Exhibition "Ve Nha An Com"
Exhibition "Ve Nha An Com"
In 2022, VAN•HOA was thrilled to receive an invitation from the UNESCO Office in Hanoi to participate in developing the key visual design for the "Ve Nha An Com" exhibition. Aligned with the
United Nations' International Youth Day 2022, which focused on "dialogue between generations and fostering stronger connections," the "Ve Nha An Com" exhibition was a successful showcase with significant contributions from talented young researchers exploring the theme of "family meals".
The "family meal" serves as a touchstone for connecting family members at the dining table, where small and delightful stories are shared, and generations intermingle. The exhibition "Ve Nha An Com" brought these stories back to life through the dishes
and meals of young individuals living near or far from home, evoking memories of familiar flavors and the strong bonds
among family members.
Concept of "Interconnected Generations"
The evening meal often brings together all family members, from grandparents, parents to grandchildren. Drawing inspiration from this, we aimed to create a dining experience that intertwines the past and present, featuring a colorful meal with symbolic puzzle pieces representing each generation through corresponding color tones.
Over time, dining utensils have undergone marvelous transformations, evolving from raw natural materials to precious metals like tin and aluminum, and eventually embracing modern technology. With the rapid advancement of technology, convenient food delivery applications have emerged, saving us time in cooking, and dining spaces have become more diverse, such as eating at work desks instead of traditional dining tables. By juxtaposing kitchen utensils alongside prominent historical milestones, we hope to bring a truly unique meal to the "interconnected generations"
table, tailored to each individual.
